You envision creating the ultimate office space to welcome clients or guests into your office. Here’s an opportunity to create that first impression. Research confirms that people take only milliseconds to form concrete perceptions about a specific business based primarily on aesthetics and ambience. But when it comes to decking your office space, make sure it reflects the brand strength.

  1. Cleanliness 

A clean space is a welcoming space compared to a cluttered one. When a guest walks in, the clutter will spark attention first. Contrarily, if the floors are covered in scraps, it reflects neglect. Contrarily, clean floors point toward high standards. A first glimpse of floors assures clients that their priorities rest in good hands. 

  1. Lighting 

A well-lit space is a sign of cleanliness. With the right lighting scheme at your office, guests will walk into a bright ambience with enhanced visibility and reduced glare. 

  • Paint Color 

When guests walk into your office, painted walls grab attention and elicit emotional responses. Whether you choose neutral tones or bold hues, the colors and textures of office walls are more likely to remain etched on the minds of visitors. Anything that grabs eyeballs attracts attention and gets appreciation. It might be a good idea to incorporate occasional artwork for visual intrigue. 

  • Scent

Whether it is a bad odor or relaxing scents, the aroma lingers on the minds of visitors for a long time. Imagine walking into a space and finding yourself lost in a whirlwind of bemusing scent. It’s the first breath visitors inhale that activates their perception about your space. Opt for gentle scents in your office so guests feel relaxed and want to stay. 

  • Clean bathroom

No, the restroom cannot be ignored at any cost. Craft an invitingly clean and sensory experience for guests at the washroom. Focus on maintaining restroom sanitation, cleanliness, hygiene, and aroma. 

While meeting rooms are always staged, it is your restroom that gives a candid peek into your behind-the-scenes setup. It highlights your focus on managing minute details.

When you want to deliver a cohesive experience for office guests, focus on maintaining your space keeping in mind these 5 crucial elements to develop deeper trust in those impression-forming moments.