How can I declutter in 10 days?  Seems you are already feeling overwhelmed and anxious at the sight of clutter in your space. But it does not have to be painful to get rid of all the clutter. Decluttering your space is a way to take care of yourself. Given the numerous benefits of having a spruced up space, you are really keen to get started. Let’s see how.

Let’s take the 10-day decluttering challenge to get rid of all the unwanted stuff that has been cluttering your private space for some time and overwhelming you. 

1: Identify clutter magnets

Where do I start decluttering my house? Well, on day 1, your job is to identify all the areas that a breeding ground of clutter. Start with finding those clutter magnets first. Next, try to find ways to clear or organize them. Anything for the wardrobe should go to its place. Anything meant for the trash can should not be hoarding your table. Any worn-out shoe is meant for repair or disposal.

2: Categorize things

Now you want to keep separate boxes categorized as sell, donate, or keep. You are already aware of what you want to sell or donate. There is something that you don’t want to let go, it is meant for the “keep” box. Donate anything that is in shape but of no use to you. 

3: Tackle bedroom clutter

Let’s move to your personal space – your bedroom. This is an area that attracts a lot of clutter. So start with putting away the laundry, tidying up the dresser, gathering stray socks, and clearing the nightstand that has become a clutter bin all this time. These little steps will take away a lot of clutter from sight and give you something to boast of. True, it’s a kind of accomplishment when you clear away the clutter. 

4: Organize organize organize 

How can I organize my house in 10 days? Well, once you have identified the clutter in the bedroom and move the useful items to their destined space. Organize bookshelves. Check the drawers if they are inviting clutter. Then it’s time to de-clutter and organize the drawers.

5: Declutter the Kitchen

The kitchen gathers a lot of clutter, being your culinary lab, where you experiment with food all the time. But you cannot work efficiently in a cluttered setting. Start by clearing all of the countertops. Check the drawers and kitchen cabinets. Yes, the top of the refrigerator is crying for your attention. 

Do you need everything that is sitting in the cabinets and drawers? Organize the pantry and look for any expired item.  Set aside any pots and pans or old appliances that are sitting in the drawer waiting for their turn for months. But that doesn’t seem to happen since you already have a new appliance as a substitute. So set it aside to sell or donate.

6: Spruce up the Office

Pay attention to your home office. Your work desk has amassed a lot of clutter, from paper piles to stationery. There are staplers, folders, and other essentials that seem to have taken up a lot of the space. Reclaim the space and remove all the clutter. It’s time to organize everything and set it aside to where they belong. Once you do that, you will notice a boost in your efficiency and productivity. 

7:  Kids room

Yes, it is natural for any family with kids to live in a clutter of toys. Your tiny tots have too many toys and games that they no longer use. Perhaps they have lost interest in some toys. So toss them around and set them aside for donation

8: Walk-through the house

How can I declutter my whole house in 2 weeks? Now that you have spent time in every room, walk through the entire house once again and bring all the clutter from each room at one place. Bring those donation boxes and the other two containers at one place. Then you want to take them to their destination. Donation boxes should go to charity. The items you want to sell should be listed for sale. Those that still have your heart should go back to their place. Revisit them after a week to see if they are serving a purpose. If not, put them in the donation box and see them off.

You will heave a sigh of relief you did. This step will transform your property into a clutter-free space. 

9: Pay attention to the bathroom

One area you cannot forget in your decluttering project is the bathroom. It has a lot of clutter that might be hidden from plain sight. Look under the sink. There are old lotions, cleaning products, half-used or empty shampoo bottles, and empty sachet. Toss away anything that you don’t intend to use.

10: Revisit the 10-day declutter plan

Now that you have completed the decluttering project, it’s time to revisit the plan and see if you have successfully ticked off everything on the list. Now onward focus on keeping everything organized so you don’t have to spend time on creating a clutter-free, more functioning home. Make home organizing a family practice.

Where do I start decluttering my house? How can I declutter my house quickly? If these questions are still disturbing your peace of mind, call the professionals. They will do the needful and turn your cluttered space into a dream house.